Shreyas Baindur
While earning his degrees, Shreyas had already started working with Architect Bijoy Jain of Studio Mumbai and Total Environment Building Solutions, Bengaluru.
Shreyas is also an accomplished academician. He has published multiple essays and journals over the years. One of his seminal works includes his essay on ‘The Architecture of Dissent: The Case of Bangalore’s Sir Puttanna Chetty Town Hall’ as part of the Young Scholar Series Issue 1. He also wrote a paper titled Historicising the Present: Narratives in Indian Urban History.
Shreyas has also contributed towards a chapter called Claims of the City: Resistance, Protests, Encroachments; for a yet-to-be-published book titled Claims on the City: Alternate Understandings of the Urban, scheduled to be published nationwide by the end of 2022.